Thursday, June 11, 2020

Om - Mantra for meditation

Sarvadvaraani samyamya mano hrudi nirudya cha
Moordhnyaadhaayaatmanah praanam aasthito yogadhaaranaam

Omityekaaksharam Brahma vyaaharanmaamanusmaran
Yah prayaati tyajandeham sa yaati paramaam gatim

[When one] closes all the gates of the body, confines the mind within the heart,
Fixes the life-energy in the head, engages in steadfast yoga

[When one] utters the monosyllable Om that is Brahma, focuses on Me [Supreme Soul],
[One] leaves the body thus, and attains the Supreme Goal

{Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 8, Verse 12-13}

Om is the Primordial Sound of the Vedas, Pranava of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and Brahman of the Bhagavad Gita.

Uttered at the beginning and end of shlokabhyasa (shloka practice) and yogabhyasa (yoga practice), Om is made up of three basic sounds: A-U-M, which represent the following:

A (aa)
U (oo)
Mental & astral
M (mm)

Several studies have revealed the health benefits of chanting and meditating on Om: mental alertness and physical relaxation, along with cardiac rhythm synchronization (see references below).

108 is considered to be a significant number in yoga, Vedic mathematics, astrology and numerology.  For instance, the distance of sun and moon from earth is said to be 108 times their respective diameters.  There are said to be 108 Upanishads and 108 tirthsthals (places of pilgrimage).  In yoga, 108 suryanamaskars (sun salutations) are performed during Rathasaptami (sun festival).   

In this video Om has been repeated 108 times, at the rate of about four per minute.  

Meditate to the sacred sound of Om:

If you are not keen on meditative process, you could try relaxation therapy: lie down, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and relax your muscles while listening to the sound of Om.  The duration of this video will amount to less than half-hour of your daily relaxation therapy. 

References & resources:

Significance of Om:
The Bhagavad Gita, Trans. Swami Chidbhavananda, Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Tirupparaitturai, Fourth Edition, 1989

Background music: Satya Yuga, Jesse Gallagher

Pictures of Om:

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Prarthana shlokas

A shloka is a rhythmic verse recited as a prayer or as part of a meditative process.  A mantra is a phrase like a formula that is repeated to invoke spiritual fervour.  A stuti or stotra is a collection of shlokas recited as a eulogy of ishta devta (chosen deity). 

My daughter and I are students of Sanskrit through shlokabhyasa (shloka classes).  With the blessings of our Guruji, we humbly present to you mantras/shlokas/stotras that we have learnt. 

In this video prarthana (prayer) shlokas are presented that are recited at the beginning and end of shlokabhyasa: 

The meaning of each of the shloka presented in the video is given below:

Gurure vagatihi Gurume vabhaje
Gurunaiva sahasmi namo Gurave
Na Guror paramam shishurasmi Guroho
Mati rasti Gurau mama pahi Gurau

Guru is my refuge, I pray to Guru
I prostrate in front of my Guru, I chant Guru’s name
I am an immature child without my Guru
I beseech Guru to save me from my ignorance

Agajanana padmarkam
Gajananam aharnisham
Anekadamtam bhatkanam
Ekadantam upasmahe

Just as lotus blooms in sunlight
Goddess Parvathi’s face lit up looking at Ganesha
The giver of boons to devotees
I meditate upon the Lord with single tusk

Vakratunda mahakaya
Kotisurya samaprabha
Avighnam Kurume deva
Sarva karyeshu sarvada

O Lord of the curved trunk and great body
One with the effulgence of a crore suns
Always remove all the obstacles
From all the tasks I undertake

Saraswathi namastubhyam varade kamarupini
Vidyarambham karishyami siddhir bhavatu me sada

Salutations to Goddess Saraswathi, who bestows boons
As I commence my studies, bless me with accomplishments

Namaste sharade devi kashmira puravasini
Tvamaham prarthaye nityam vidyam-buddhimcha dehi me

I bow to you Goddess Sharada (Saraswathi) whose abode is Kashmira
I pray to you ever that you may bestow upon me knowledge and wisdom

Hayagriva Hayagriva hayagriveti yo vadet
Tasya nihsarate vani jahnu kanyapravahavat

Upon repeated chanting of the name of Hayagriva (avatar of Lord Vishnu)
One’s speech flows mellifluously as the sacred Ganga

Asadhya sadhaka swamin asadhyam tava kim vada
Ramadhuta dayasindho matkaryam sadhayaprabho

O accomplisher of impossible tasks, truly what is impossible to you?
O benevolent emissary of Lord Rama, make my task possible to accomplish

Asatoma sadgamaya
Tamasoma jyotirgamaya
Mrityorma amrutangamaya
Om shantih shantih shantihi

O Lord, take me from lies to truth
Take me from darkness to light
Take me from death to immortality
Let there be peace, peace, peace

Kalevarshatu parjanyaha
Prithavi sasyshalinim
Deshoyam kshobharahitam
Sajjana santu nirbhayaha

May there be timely monsoons
May the Earth be green and productive
May the land be free of all problems
May the good citizens and sages be fearless

Sarve janah sukhino bhavantu
Samasta sanmangalani bhavantu
Om shantih shantih shantihi

May all be happy
May everything be auspicious
May there be peace, peace, peace

As can be gleaned from the meaning of shlokas presented, Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) recognizes the importance of satya (truth), dharma (righteousness), personal development, wisdom, oneness of all humanity, and the welfare of all living beings.  

We hope that this presentation will help you in your own learning of mantras, shlokas, stotras and Sanatana Dharma.   

Resources & references:

Background music: The Inner Sound, Jesse Gallagher



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