Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Shirdi Sai Baba issue

There has been a needless controversy recently about religious leaders exhorting Hindus not to worship Sai Baba of Shirdi.  Apparently there was a conclave, during which some leaders even clashed with Sai Baba bhaktas.

This is the sort of thing that gives wrong impressions about Sanatana Dharma.  The very term means eternal religion - that which is capable of incorporating all tenets, opinions, and paths in its fold.

Then why not that of Sai Baba?

He was a universal man, whose history reveals that his origin is unknown - we do not know his actual parental lineage - and that he had followers from all religions. This is very much in keeping with the principles of Hinduism as I have said.

Even within the Sai Baba complex in Shirdi, there are dargahs as well as temples indicating his universal appeal.  My family and I have been staunch followers of the Baba since a long time, and nothing is going to change on this front - even as we maintain out bhakti towards the whole pantheon of Hindu divinity.  

There were some stray reports that some religious leaders asked people to smash all idols of Sai Baba, and as a result a few idols even had to be moved away.  This is ridiculous.  The last time I checked, we are not yet in Talibanland.  

If this call for smashing idols is indeed true, then it is highly deplorable.  We as Sanatana Dharmis should disown such comments and commentators.  Otherwise there won't be any difference between us and those who create differences, or those who seek to convert people based on their notions of what a true religion is. 

On a final note, Sri M, whose autobiography I have written about in an earlier post, was very much a follower of Sai Baba, and there is a charming account of his visit to Shirdi in his book.  This has never stopped him from acknowledging the divinity of other gurus and saints of all religions, or advocating the validity of overall Hindu philosophy.  

Hinduism - Sanatana Dharma - is inclusive, not exclusive.

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