Monday, September 29, 2014

Book conversations: Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps

Ever wondered why the "mummies on the bus go chatta chatta chatta" as the nursery rhyme goes?

Or why men loooove motor racing and football?

Do you wonder, when your wife says, "we need to talk", 'WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT?!'

Or do you wonder about your husband, 'why does he need pornography; am I not good enough?'

For these and related doubts about the opinions and behaviours of half of the population which is different from your gender, read this book.

Both the genders have come together for this book; the couple - Barbara and Allan Pease who have successfully navigated the marital minefield - go through extensive research publications through the years to provide an understanding of the differences in the male and female brain structure and function.  Some of it, as they say, can be quite controversial, and in today's world, sexist.  Especially the bits about why women can't read maps, or why they can't do certain things as well as the men can.  

Sure, some of the ideas presented may even appear to be a bit exaggerated, or over done; such as the behaviour of our prehistoric ancestors as a template for our differences, or, that men have poor oratorial skills - the Peases do acknowledge that there are always exception to the rule.

Barring a few minor errors and odd ways of presenting facts, the book, largely is a light and humorous read.  I found that some of the points are repeated several times in different subsections - probably because the female part of the couple was more active on the days that these passages were written!

The bit about the alternate sexuality - the scientific basis and societal issues - has been presented very well.  All those who think that homosexuality is an issue of choice and harbour discriminatory thoughts against gay people should read this and understand the issue better.  This is much needed in today's society - especially in our country where the issue is gaining prominence, and the law makers are still unsure about whether to decriminalize homosexuality or not.  

You should go for it if you often tear your hair out wondering about the antics of the man - or woman - in your life.  Or, if your marital life, having breezed through the 'honeymoon' period, is now in a phase where all those once-loveable quirks of your partner appear just plain ridiculous and unbearable.  And make sure your partner reads it too!

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