Sunday, July 26, 2020

Alcohol: How much is enough?

In the puranic texts, it is known as soma rasa, sura, madira.  

Yes, we are talking about that liquid whose quantity consumed is second only to water: alcohol.

According to the strength of ethanol content, it is also known as alcopops, beer, cider, lager, wine, sherry, and spirits which are very high in strength and include whisky, rum, vodka, gin and brandy.  

Drinking alcohol is common across communities and cultures across the world.  It is just something that has fascinated mankind with its intoxicating properties that can numb the mind temporarily from the harsh realities of life.  

Studies have also shown that drinking culture is associated with high rates of alcohol dependence.  It is also associated with co-dependence with other substances such as smoking and drugs.  

There are serious consequences of too much indulgence with alcohol and the ramifications are many: social, vocational, medical and psychiatric.  

Treating alcohol dependence is an onerous task, and there are frequent relapses into old patterns of drinking habit, which makes it a frustrating problem to deal with.

So one needs to consider:

How much can one drink?
When does it become a problem?
Are there any indicators of problematic drinking?
How can one measure their alcohol intake?

Find the answers to these questions in this short video in three languages:

Also, read and watch video about smoking/nicotine addiction.

Background music [English & Hindi videos]: Paradise [Kannada video: Dreaming in 432Hz by Unicorn Heads]
Units of alcohol, with gratitude to:

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