Thursday, June 24, 2021

How can I quit SMOKING?!

The torture was beyond human power to bear.
(Sigmund Freud on his attempt to quit smoking)

Smoking and consumption of tobacco products are common in spite of the several media messages and pictorial warnings as to the harm caused by tobacco.  Why is this so?

What begins as a peer influenced, 'harmless', 'occasional' behaviour, stays with the person indefinitely, and before he/she realises it, becomes an insurmountable addiction.

People who have tried to quit smoking can vouch for the fact that it is a hopeless situation to remain without the daily nicotine fix - the cravings and withdrawal effects can be unbearable.  Ask Freud! 

When nicotine enters the bloodstream it activates what is known as the dopamine reward mechanism as shown here:

Dopamine is the 'feel good' brain chemical that activates the reward circuitry in the brain as follows: 

And so on it goes, until it becomes a vicious circle.

This makes tobacco/nicotine one of the most addictive substances in the world - the reason why quitting smoking is such an onerous task, fraught with relapses after periods of abstinence. 

However, breaking this reward circuit by associating less harmful substances (such as caffeine) with the pleasurable feeling, may work in some cases.  

Or, one could also try associating nicotine with unpleasant consequences such as odourous breath or health issues such as coughing/breathlessness. 

Yoga, pranayama and meditation, if done under guidance, can help break this vicious circle by helping one focus on larger issues rather than resort to smoking as a coping mechanism.

I talk about smoking addiction, complications due to long-term smoking, and treatment of smoking addiction in these videos in three languages:




Please read more about smoking and what works in the treatment of its addiction in my earlier articles (click on the links from these pages to external site):

Harmful effects of tobacco10 ways to quit smoking and why e-cigarettes are no better.  

Also read a similar article on alcohol addiction.


Music: Bed and Breakfast, The 126ers



Monday, June 14, 2021

Lakshmi Nrusimha Karuna Rasa Stotram

Sri Adi Shankaracharya composed this hymn to address Lord Lakshmi-Narasimha (God Narasimha along with his divine consort, Goddess Lakshmi).

Lord Narasimha is the fourth avatara of Lord Vishnu who appeared in the court of King Hiranyakashyapu to help His bhakta, Prahlada.  He is known to be the angriest avatara of Lord Vishnu who ripped apart Hiranyakashyapu.  

He could be placated only by the ardent supplication of Goddess Lakshmi and Prahlada. 

Adi Shankara himself is said to have been saved by the Lord when a kapalika sought to behead him.  

In this stotra Adi Shankara takes the position of a supplicant who is beseeching the Lord to guide him through the temptations and travails or samsara, or worldly existence.

Each of the seventeen verses ends with the refrain, Give me Thy hand O Lord!  Hence it is also called Lakshmi-Nrusimha Karavalambam Stotram. 

Reciting this stotra regularly is said to reduce anger and related negative vibrations, leading one to bhakti and peace.

For the literal meaning of the stotra please visit the websites listed below.




Music: Tratak, Jesse Gallagher



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